martes, 16 de agosto de 2011

Day 6

On the sixth day of our trip, we woke up at 6.30. At 7 o´clock we had breakfast and at 8.30 we went to the “Tourists Centre” and watched a film. Then we went to the “Yacyretá Dam” with a tourist guide who explained to us everything about the dam.

Yacyreta Dam is a hydroelectric power plant built over the waterfalls of Yacyretá-Apipé in the Paraná between the Argentina province of Corrientes and the city of Ayolas in Paraguay. It is one of the biggest and most important works of engineering in  Latin America.

It is 80 km. downstream of the cities of Posadas (Argentina) and Encarnación (Paraguay). It has 20 turbines. Their main aims are to produce electricity and improve the navigation of the river. 

After that, we went to Ituzaingo coast and there we read a story and made a reflexion.  Then, we did some activities for our Biology project.

Then we had lunch. We ate some chicken and smashed potatoes in a restaurant.

In the afternoon we went to the famous church in Itati, and we had a farewell Mass. After the celebration we could buy some souveniers for our families and then we had tea.

Finally we travelled for some hours and stopped in Corrientes to have dinner and watch Unión football match. 

Then we went back to Santa Fe and arrived here at 6.30 am.

Yacyretá  Dam

Our Lady of Itatí Church
                Yacyretá Dam
                                          The guide at the Dam


Elena Asensio
Agueda Fontanellaz
 Joaquín Kohlbrener
Facundo Racca
 Abi Roldan
Luciano Tiracchia

Day 5: Trinity and Jesus Ruins

We visited these ruins on Thursday morning.  It was a sunny and bright day.  There, we could learn more about the guaraní culture: their jobs, interests, skills and religion. We could see the remains of schools, houses and temples. The ruins are very pretty and amazing.

First, we went to Trinity Ruins. You can see the remnants of a big temple, a central park and a church.  On both sides there were the houses with their rooms. The temple is awesome and the walls had incredible decorations from barroque style. We watched the walls eagerly. Time seemed to have stopped for them!  They are breath-taking!  The central park is enormous, all you can see is green grass and the big church.

After that we went to the last room, the chapel. There, we could see religious objects, sculptures and a construction model.

Later, we went to Jesus Ruins. They are the best preserved.  There was a bell tower, so when we got there we had to go up the stairs. There, we could admire a beautiful landscape through the ruins holes. There was a priestscript and told us a story about ghosts. The houses had only one room, and they were very small. The Jesús Ruins were the most interesting because they are well preserved.

Comunidad  "Santa Rita de  Casia"
 Martina Aguiar
Daniela Perrone
Santiago Salami
 Nicolas Marotte
Martina Oronales
 Agustina Scholtus

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

Day 4: San Ignacio Ruins

First we woke up and had beakfast in the buffet. There was exotic and delicious food! Then we packed our suitcases and we put them into the bus. 

After that, we some sandwiches and some orange juice for lunch. 

We travelled for some hours to visit the San Ignacio Ruins. They are beautiful and well-preserved ruins of the Jesuit Mission "San Ignacio Miní".  We met a tour guide there, whose name was Enrique, who explained details about the ruins and the life in the Jesuit reductions. He spoke Spanish and a little aborigin dialect.

Then we went to the "Tirol hotel" in Encarnación, Paraguay. Before that we went through Customs. We stayed there for about two endless hours. In the hotel, we had dinner and after that we watched a video because it was Nahuel's birthday. Nahuel was very pleased to watch it! 

 Main square. Jesuit Ruins of San Ignacio Miní

Main Church. Jesuit reduction of San Ignacio Miní

Entrance to the ruins


Juan Cruz Carollo
Juan Pablo Mammarella
María Victoria Miretti
Luis Pérez
Ramiro Riboldi

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

Day 3

On our third day, we woke up very early, at about seven o'clock. We had a delicious breakfast at the camping's restaurant.  Then, we had a moment of reflection by reading a tale and at about ten o'cock we packed our bags and went into the bus towards the Iguazú Falls.

The three groups met at the tourist centre. There the teachers counted the students. We were 100 students in all but there were 99 of us!  One student was lost!  Everybody was nervous and we started looking for the missing student...  When we finally found him he was sleeping on the bus!  It was so funny!

When we went into the national park we listened to a talk about the roads in the park. Then we went to see the falls. They are really magnificent!  It is a very special place, in which you can feel very close to God by admiring his creation.  We had never seen something like that before! We were all astonished and of course, we took a lot of photos!

The mighty Iguazú Falls

We had lunch in a restaurant which was inside the national park. We ate some hamburgers. Then we left the park and we went to the Three Borders landmark, a tourist site where you could see the three bordering countries: Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.

The Three Borders landmark

After that we returned to the camping site.  That day we had some free time in the afternoon. The boys played football with some teachers and some girls played volleyball, too.

We had dinner at the camping's restaurant. There were lots of differents foods. Then we took a shower and then we went to Mass. After that we played some games and then we had to pack our suitcases. At about 11 pm we went to sleep.

Comunidad Santa Magdalena de Nagazaky

Efraín Benítez
Martina Cancellieri
Ignacio Gómez
Santiago Grassi
Micaela Speziale

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

Day 2 - Iguazú Falls

On the second day we left Camping Americano and in our way to Brazil we had a to go through Customs. Then, we went to a restaurant where we could enjoy a typical barbacue. The bathrooms there were very luxurious and the food was delicious. 

After lunch, we went into the bus and went to Foz do Iguazú. 

When we arrived to Iguaçu Falls, first we went to the tourist centre and we attended a talk about de falls and biodiversity. 

 The Iguazú Falls

Then, we walked through a foot-bridge in the jungle while we were watching the falls. We took a lot of photos because the view from there is spectacular.

After that, we went to the Free Shop. There were a lot of perfums, chocolates and clothes to buy. There was also a toyshop, an electronic shop an a wine shop. But all of them were extremely expensive!

Finally, we went back to Camping Americano and had dinner there. We were really exhausted and so we were soon asleep.

Comunidad San Agustín:

Francisco Alvarez
Nahuel Galdón
Julieta Favano
, Victoria Felli Scarfone

Day 1

On Saturday 30th of July we met a school at 9 pm to do our school trip. We travelled to the Iguazu Falls, together with the students in years 1 and 3.

The journey took about 8 hours. During the trip we watched films, listened to music and had fun with our friends.

We arrived in Yapeyú on Sunday at 6:30 am. First, we went to José de San Martin's museum. Then we raised the flag with one of the soldiers known as "Granaderos".  Here, the "Granaderos" told us about San Martín's life, ideas, military skills.

 One of the "Granaderos", the army created by Gral. de San Martín

Ruins of José de San Martín's house

After the visit to the museum we attended a Mass in the church and a guide told us about the its history.

 One of the magnificent vitraux from the Church

After the Mass

Then, we went to the bus. We went towards the Iguazú Falls. Finally, we arrived to "Camping Americano". There we had dinner and our PE distributed the bedrooms where we slept.

 The American Camping, where we stayed

Comunidad "Beato Deogracias Palacios"

Selene Ascona
Matías Brigada
Tomás Di Siena 
José Ignacio Jerkovich 
Natalia Regali
Candela Rocco

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011


Welcome to our blog!!!

In it we want to share the experiences we lived in our school trip to the northern-east region of Argentina.